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Boreal and tundra biomes continue to be carbon dioxide sinks!


A new circumpolar synthesis paper shows that on average, both boreal and tundra biomes continue to act as carbon dioxide sinks! The study reveals also that the tundra was found to be a less-effective sink than some previous studies have shown. Read more in the current Global Change Biology Sept issue.

Year-round measurements are critical for annual estimates. But only few sites in the tundra region can provide that kind of data. Here from Arctic Station at Disko Island in West Greenland initiated by University of Copenhagen.

The study took an unprecedented approach to evaluating carbon fluxes in boreal and tundra regions, synthesizing data from 148 sites using a combination of commonly-used statistical and machine learning models, and remote sensing and geospatial data to analyze the patterns and drivers of ecosystem carbon dioxide sinks and sources.

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